Saturday, February 28, 2009

The moments I live for.........

Your Aura is Red

You have a high level of emotion. This can mean passion, but it can also mean rage.

Usually, you don't take these emotions out on others. You just use them as motivation - and it works!

The purpose of your life: embracing all the wonders of the life, lots of travels, and tons of adventures

Famous reds include: Madonna, Marilyn Monroe, Jennifer Lopez

Careers for you to try: Dancer, Boxer, Surgeon

I thought that was pretty accurate of myself. :) I feel so good.. so recharged! I want to share something about a friend of mine that totallly makes me crack up every time I think about it. It's going to be even funnier if he's reading this. ;)

One of my friends, we'll call him Potato, hung out with some of my girlfriends and myself last night. He was bored and he and his friends wanted to tag along with my girlfriends and I... So I welcomed them to join. My friend Potato and I always have the CRAZIEST conversations. Our energy totally feeds off of each other. Like we don't know each other really really well, but we always end up doing or talking about the CRAZIEST things when we're around each other. We were discussing baby girl names and he tells me how "maternal" he thought I was. The way he was telling me this was not what I'm used to, haha. He proceeds to say that if last night was his last night to be alive out of all of the girls in the bar, he'd want me to bear his children. You're crazy, P! I say, "well that's not really a compliment because you don't even know any of these other girls." Then he says, "well within a 50 mile radius." He says how he's seen me out a lot now, but I'm always in tact, and I'm the maternal one of the group. He was saying how it was clear and evident that I'm spontaneous and like to have fun, and I give off this really warm vibe and it's nice to be around. Wow, in retrospect, he was saying some really nice things. Anyway, then we start talking about baby girl names.. hahaha.

Okay, now I have to share this other night because it was so random and fun. I don't think I've written about it yet, and I know this is quite a memorable night for the both of us. I guess it was about a year and a half ago, Potato and I randomly ran into each other after a heavy night of drinking. I was in very rare form that night, and coincidentally, so was he. I had been out with a particular group of girlfriends who love to see me wasted, so they were handing me a shot every 5 minutes. I don't know why they like me so wasted, I think I'm the same either way, except when I'm drunk I reaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyyyy like to dance.

Anyway, he and I were so excited to bump into each other and although it was after 2am we didn't feel like going home. We both had so much energy and started to walk back to my friend's place not too far from where we ran into each other. All of a sudden, Potato starts running into all of these random people's yards and laying in the grass or sitting in their patio chairs. I was laughing so hard and loud I could barely walk straight.

It totally reminds of this song by STD, an oldie but goodie (it was hard to find a good recording):

Next thing I know P and I are across the street from my friend's apartment at a random neighbor's house. Now I don't remember whose idea it was but Potato and I decide to go chat with these neighbors who were hanging out on their porch and they invite us in their home. I want to say it was a husband, wife, and a couple of their friends? They were all probably in their mid to late 30's. So Potato tells them how we were newlyweds, and I totally went along with it. Oh dear God, the things we made up for that story. hahahahahahaha. It makes me smile so wide thinking about the random shit we were saying off the top of our heads about our "marriage". Like how I'd get annoyed with him because he wouldn't make the bed. These people totally believed us too, they kept saying how we looked so in love and all of this stuff. The wife in the house was trying to give me advice about how to stay together. Man, I was eating it up. Potato and I said how we were going on our honeymoon in a few months. I really really really wish someone had been videotaping this whole situation. Who knows, maybe I'll make a movie about it. We ended up staying there talking about our "marriage" and such for over an hour. It was way after 3 when we decided to go and our new friends reluctantly let us leave and wished us the best of luck. We left and I think we laughed so hard we didn't even talk for 10 minutes straight.

We briefly made it back to my friend's place to let them know we were alive. They just shook their heads in bewilderment and disbelief after we told them about our pretend marriage we just made up to complete strangers.

Then Potato admits to me that, ironically, it was his birthday!!! Not believing him, I made him show me his ID and sure enough it was. By this time it has to be after 4am. I felt obligated to contribute to making his birthday awesome. EVERYONE has to have a bday cake on their bday! He kept declining and told me repeatedly I didn't need to get him a cake. Me, being the stubborn drunk that I am, insisted that we go to the grocery store so we could get him a cake. We were walking around in the store and it felt so natural, like, we were holding hands and laughing... It felt like we had been together for years. We pick him out a carrot cake and we go to pay and the cashier says something about me being a good girlfriend. haaaaaaaa! We didn't correct her.

We finally head back to my place and I'm not even sure if we made it to eating the bday cake. :) We were exhausted and such... The next morning we ate the cake and recapped the night before and could NOT believe what we had done. I felt slightly bad about deceiving these nice strangers, but it was all in good fun. We left them feeling warm and fuzzy. :)

Life is crazy, right?! These are the moments that make me feel alive.. I'm such an adrenaline junkie. I think when I try to hide my "wild" side or adventurous side that's when it gets me into trouble. I have such an eclectic personality. It's like when people first meet me, guys especially, think I'm so innocent and they get this preconceived idea of the type of person I am. Yea, I'm nice, quiet, and shy sometimes but the adrenaline moments are what I thrive off of. It's all about having fun! I suppose I have to learn how to balance it in relationships. I need to just be me and not try to hide what I truly am. I always had to suppress my wild side growing up because of my Dad. Of course it was different when I was out with my friends... Even then, I'd only go so far though. I'd still keep my wits usually. I think that's why with guys initially I'm reserved but uh, yea... I don't know. I'm working on it. :)

Lord knows, I've had a lot of memorable times with different people. Sometimes I wonder if this is what life is about? I know it's about enjoying every moment. Just so you know, my soulmate will totally have this crazy fun energy that we won't want to deny with each other.

I hope you've had some crazy fun moments like this, and if not, I hope you make it happen!

I heard this song this morning and I looooooooooooooove it. I'm not usually a big Coldplay fan either. Not that I dislike them, but they've never done a whole lot for me. This song is rad though! It gets me so pumped... I just want to close my eyes, smile and listen to my barefeet dancing on hard wooden floors...:

Ahhhh! Smile, mateys!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Conversation (part 2)...

Introducing Meg (if ya don't already know her). Oh, how I love her so...

Click the photo to be redirected to see full shot.
The Conversation (part 2)...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nuff said.


Needs, wants, freedom, survival, stuff...

So today my Dad and I took a drive to look at a possible new car for me. My dad has to go with me because, well, my lack of knowledge for automobiles is so pathetic it's impressive. Ultimately, I will live somewhere where I don't have to drive and I can walk, ride a bike, or rely on public transportation. Of course there are a couple of cute old school rides I wouldn't mind owning... ;)

My dad and I drove about a half an hour away to Steve's (the car seller's) house. He seemed like a genuinely, truthful, nice guy. My dad and I ended up staying there talking to him for a couple of hours. We went for a drive and he told us some about his wife and three daughters. He said his wife is a dance teacher and his daughters are similar to mine and my sister's ages.. Steve was pretty funny too. So, I liked the car, nothing fancy, just something to drive around for a while. Anyway he took us into his garage where we could chat. This man had a garage that my dad envied soooo much, not that he would ever say that, but I knew. This garage was fabulous! Steve told us he built it himself. It was bigger than the home my parents and I live in now. The room was decorated with his fishing equipment, and lots of other tools and toys that I won't pretend to know the names of. Turns out he and my dad have loooooooooots in common. Steve was in his fifties or so, same age as my dad. When my dad had to run to the men's room, Steve told me he wanted to show me something.

I had no idea there was an upstairs to his garage, because of the convenient and secretive way he constructed it. This could totally be a story that takes a weird an awful turn right here, but it's not. :) I followed him upstairs to find an enormous dance studio that he built for his wife. I was stunned!!! First, I had no idea there was an upstairs, and then second to see something so beautiful. The room had windows that looked out into the water too. siiiiigh. I just couldn't hide my wide eyes and I kept telling him how wonderful it was for him to have done that.

I'm not sure why it touched me so much... I think it's because the older I am getting I'm starting to notice the little (big) things that make relationships work. I just can't tell you how much I loved the idea of this. Metaphorically the idea of this garage is just as beautiful as it is physically. They have their home which is cool and then they have their little private escape room away from the house where they can go be free and do what makes them happy. Best of all, they are still together!!!!! He's downstairs building doing his thing and she is upstairs dancing her heart out, but they are still together under one roof. It just made me so happy that I can't stop listening to Patsy Cline. haha. I know that makes no sense.

Maybe it made me so happy because I know that it's possible. My parents would be so beyond happy with a place like that. My dad, similarly to Steve, would be building stuff downstairs and my mom could paint and stuff upstairs. When I have the money to afford a garage, I will totally have that built for them. If I ever do get married, I would totally want a little escape place like that too for my artmaking/dancing/whatever and my hubby would have his space too. Well, married or not, I want one. ha. I think it's important to have a spot you can run too to be free. Maybe we all should feel "free" every second no matter where the place we are. Yea, that sounds good.

Also, I really realized on the drive back with my dad how I have to be with someone who is mechanically savvy. I'm not at all unless I have to be... I suppose this goes back to all of those theories about women wanting men for survival reasons. I'm not agreeing with all of it, but some of it makes sense. I totally want to be with someone who knows how to take care of himself without modern crap. Someone who can build from scratch if he needed to.... There are lots of theories about women wanting men that they can feel financially secure with. Fuck that, if you have the deep rooted skills that's all that matters. Someone who can survive out in the woods if he needs to. Oh man, such a turn on to me. I want a city boy with a country heart. :)

Oh Patsy, you were really great. Feel that emotion coming out...:)

Saturday, February 21, 2009



Also, I forgot how much I love this song (it plays on repeat in my head every time I have a new crush).... not that I have a new crush or anything. I think my crush is San Francisco.... ;)


I found this on Howie's (get ridiculous) page... I loooooooooove it!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

I can't imagine a day...

When this song will not make me deliriously happy. Oh, how I love B&S so...

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Child-like not Childish"

Yesterday I went to a new church with my friend Rob. He always has such great suggestions! :)

There were countless things that I enjoyed about the church... Overall, I suppose I just liked how real it felt. It is in an old warehouse, everyone wears "normal" clothes (jeans, tee-shirt, whatever), and everyone was so friendly.

The band that played in the beginning wass awesome, the female vocalist was incredible. She reminded me of someone. I just couldn't stop staring at her while she was singing, she was so beautiful. When she opened her big blue glossy eyes and looked up she looked like an angel. I definitely want to take some portraits of her! :)

The pastor who spoke yesterday was speaking about the story of Ruth from The Bible. I have not read that story but I will. I loved listening to him speak, he spoke so genuine. Usually when I've gone to previous churches I'd be clueless as to what the priest or whomever was talking about. A lot of times I left feeling just not educated enough. Not yesterday... He made me want to go home and read. He really broke down the story and related it to everyone in a modern language. Tears poured down my face after one sentence that I didn't even think affected me consciously. Maybe I was just feeling grateful.

One important and moving lesson he said was how Ruth was "child-like and not childish." As he went through explaining the differences between the two I couldn't help but wonder if I was "child-like" like Ruth. I want to be and I believe I am. She was so courageous, open, and truly followed her heart.

Today, I looked back at a New Year's Resolution list that I wrote a little over a year ago for 2008. One of my goals said, "Never lose my passion and child-like heart."

hmmmmmmmmm... :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

yummmmy ideas....

I don't know if "yummy" is the right word? You be the judge. I'm posting a bit of my idea here, so you know to be looking for it. My goal is to shoot this on Friday. Let's just say it involves:

-clothes pins
-a bloody piece of meat
-blue dyed angel hair pasta (thanks so much to Rainey for the idea)
-maybe string
-some fabric...
-oh, and me!

I'm going to enjoy exploring the thrift stores today finding goodies to contribute... Especially in our unseasonably warm weather, 75 degrees in VB today! It's perfect dress weather. :)

mmmmmm I love warm wind. <333

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Vicodin & Flexeril have cured more than my physical pain.

..I'm delighted to say. (eh, I don't mean in abundant amounts either)

Last Friday my nephew and I were in a car accident. It was scary. I was driving my nephew and I to a surprise down the road a bit (for you locals, down Independence near Bayside, after Haygood but before Pleasure House). All of a sudden I felt this outrageous force plow into the back of my car. The force was so strong it drove me straight into the back of the Explorer in front of me. I yelled something inappropriate for a 5 year old to hear, because of the pain & shock I experienced in about 2 seconds. My head hit the steering wheel (my car didn't have airbags) and off went my glasses to the floor. Just so you have an idea how fast this man was going behind me... All 3 cars were moving. I was going about 40mph and the Explorer was probably doing the same and there was reasonable distance between us two. Now, the man driving the Beamer behind me was going so fast that it felt like one crash. It didn't feel like first he hit me and then I hit the explorer. They all seemed to happen at the same time. That Beamer man was flyyyyyying! I've never been hit by something so hard. I felt like a crash test dummy and I saw stars everywhere.

Anyway, I felt instant pain all in my neck and shoot down to my lower back. My first concern though was my nephew and it didn't phase him at all (thankfully). He said, "what just happened??" I said "someone just hit us with their car." He said, "can we go to the surprise now??" haha, aren't kids great?!

I phoned in to 911 and so did a girl in the Explorer in front of me. Come to find out the man who ran into me is a Doctor, a Neurologist! He works at the hospital I was taken to. He didn't even ask if we were okay. Nothing. He just stood in the grass with his arms crossed, pissed that his Beamer was totaled. So he was a prick and so was the cop who came to the accident scene. The paramedics arrived about the same time as the cop and they strapped me down to the stretcher (my first time, and hopefully last). The paramedics were wonderful by the way; kind and very funny. My nephew did get a surprise that night! He got to ride in the ambulance with me to Bayside Hospital! He was so worried about me, such a little sweetie pie.

At the hospital I had tests done, x-rays, and was given a shot right in my butt. Man, that stung! Fortunately, the doc concluded nothing was broken, I just had a lot of strains. She fixed me up with pain killers and muscle relaxers and said to take it easy for the next few days. I did just that. I glued myself to my dad's recliner and watched a lot of bad tv. I wanted to read, but couldn't focus because I was so loopy. I probably should have laid around today too, but I couldn't take it anymore. I feel a bit of progress, but I'm still going to need Physical Therapy.

Before this incident happened, I was feeling emotional pain about some things. This put everything into perspective for me. I'm so happy to be alive and thankful that my nephew was okay and no one else was injured. Interesting how life works! Perhaps, in some sick way I needed this.

Oh and tomorrow I find out the verdict on whether or not my Cam is being totaled. I think she will be. Lots of good times in the good ol' Cam!

Pauly, I think you should do some artwork on the hood. You may be able to support your future children off of that artwork of yours! ;)

I've been sittin up too long. Time to rest!