..I'm delighted to say. (eh, I don't mean in abundant amounts either)
Last Friday my nephew and I were in a car accident. It was scary. I was driving my nephew and I to a surprise down the road a bit (for you locals, down Independence near Bayside, after Haygood but before Pleasure House). All of a sudden I felt this outrageous force plow into the back of my car. The force was so strong it drove me straight into the back of the Explorer in front of me. I yelled something inappropriate for a 5 year old to hear, because of the pain & shock I experienced in about 2 seconds. My head hit the steering wheel (my car didn't have airbags) and off went my glasses to the floor. Just so you have an idea how fast this man was going behind me... All 3 cars were moving. I was going about 40mph and the Explorer was probably doing the same and there was reasonable distance between us two. Now, the man driving the Beamer behind me was going so fast that it felt like one crash. It didn't feel like first he hit me and then I hit the explorer. They all seemed to happen at the same time. That Beamer man was flyyyyyying! I've never been hit by something so hard. I felt like a crash test dummy and I saw stars everywhere.
Anyway, I felt instant pain all in my neck and shoot down to my lower back. My first concern though was my nephew and it didn't phase him at all (thankfully). He said, "what just happened??" I said "someone just hit us with their car." He said, "can we go to the surprise now??" haha, aren't kids great?!
I phoned in to 911 and so did a girl in the Explorer in front of me. Come to find out the man who ran into me is a Doctor, a Neurologist! He works at the hospital I was taken to. He didn't even ask if we were okay. Nothing. He just stood in the grass with his arms crossed, pissed that his Beamer was totaled. So he was a prick and so was the cop who came to the accident scene. The paramedics arrived about the same time as the cop and they strapped me down to the stretcher (my first time, and hopefully last). The paramedics were wonderful by the way; kind and very funny. My nephew did get a surprise that night! He got to ride in the ambulance with me to Bayside Hospital! He was so worried about me, such a little sweetie pie.
At the hospital I had tests done, x-rays, and was given a shot right in my butt. Man, that stung! Fortunately, the doc concluded nothing was broken, I just had a lot of strains. She fixed me up with pain killers and muscle relaxers and said to take it easy for the next few days. I did just that. I glued myself to my dad's recliner and watched a lot of bad tv. I wanted to read, but couldn't focus because I was so loopy. I probably should have laid around today too, but I couldn't take it anymore. I feel a bit of progress, but I'm still going to need Physical Therapy.
Before this incident happened, I was feeling emotional pain about some things. This put everything into perspective for me. I'm so happy to be alive and thankful that my nephew was okay and no one else was injured. Interesting how life works! Perhaps, in some sick way I needed this.
Oh and tomorrow I find out the verdict on whether or not my Cam is being totaled. I think she will be. Lots of good times in the good ol' Cam!
Pauly, I think you should do some artwork on the hood. You may be able to support your future children off of that artwork of yours! ;)
I've been sittin up too long. Time to rest!
6 years ago
No way! Glad to hear you're okay, you should take some photos of the car! How are you doing now, anyway? On your way to a full recovery I hope.