Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nothing makes me feel more alive...

than wind. Honestly. The unpredictability. Windy days are so thrilling for me.

Around 2 am this morning when my friends Andrew, Meg and I were leaving Meg's birthday celebrations, we had to trudge to my car through the wind and rain. Luckily, the rain let up some but the wind was in full force!!! As I'm typing this I'm listening to the wind blow hard against my windows. The three of us were crossing the street and mine and Meg's skirts kept blowing up along with our hair (lucky Andrew) haha. Andrew stops in amazement and says, "Look how fast the clouds are moving!" So the three of us stood in awe up at the sky. The sky was black and there were low gray clouds moving by so fast, it looked like God was pressing fast forward on the sky. I've NEVER EVER seen clouds moving so fast! I was almost dizzy after staring at the sky for 10 seconds.

I am also a HUGE fan of girls in dresses on windy days. ;) I totally understand that cliche picture of Marilyn Monroe. The thrill of something we can't even see, we can just feel, spontaneously moving everything simultanesouly. It's amazing. Plus I love that rush of having to pull down my skirt or dress. I feel so awkward and everyone who is watching "gets it" at that moment. It's universally hilarious and embarassing..

God, bring on those windyyyyyyyyy days please!!! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dreaming 03-19-07...

Here is my newest addition (click photo for larger size):
dreaming 03-19-07

This photo is a representation of a dream I had on 03-19-07. In my dream, it was as if I was looking down on myself watching another me lift from my body. I drifted several inches up from my body and I just floated there; unable to move, and tingling all over. The floating me looked down to see my body still peacefully sleeping. My first thought was fear because I wasn't sure what was happening but my body soon gave into the pleasurable tingling sensation. I remember specifically thinking in my dream, "wow this is what it feels like to have an out-of-body experience."

The first time I awoke from my dream, my body was paralyzed. I opened my eyes but I couldn't move. My body was still experiencing the tingling sensation all over. The only other time I felt that was when this lady at a nail salon waxed my eyebrows and I think she was trying to do voo-doo on me... but that's another story. ;) I eventually just closed my eyes to give into the pleasure again. The next time I was awakened with a phone call that my extremely spiritual grandmother (whom I was very close with) had passed away. I'm certain that that was her way of letting me know.

I did another self-portrait on the anniversary of her death this year, "03-19-09". I will post it soon! I'm entering the two photos together as a series in an Art show through Symphonic ( hmm, what else???

Oh there are a lot of mundane things that remind me of my grandmother that I thoroughly enjoy: handwashing dishes (even though there is a dishwasher), picking 4-leaf clovers (though she was the best at finding them and she always kept them in her bible), eating pringles, eating peanut butter out of the jar with a knife, dancing every move to Dirty Dancing (she allowed me to watch that every single day in Kindergarten), spinning 'round and 'round in a skirt. I also had terribly painful growing pains in my legs when I was growing up. I really felt like I could feel my bones stretching, just being pulled apart (my dad had the same thing when he was young). I guess that's why me legs take up 3/4 of my body? My grandmother would stroke my legs for me. I would lay on my back on the floor, prop my legs up on her lap while she was sitting in a chair and she would take her long nails and just stroke my legs. It was the most soothing feeling ever. Wow, I haven't thought about that in a long time!

Anyway, she was the best! That's why I made these photos! I hope you've had someone special like that in your life... :) There is nothing better than beauty in mundane activities.


p.s. I made the floating version of me by putting a chair on the top of my bed, editing the chair out in photoshop, my self-timer on my camera, and lots of running back and forth. It was fun! :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Holy Hugh Jackman!

Okay, it's really rare for me to find men that I'm extremely attracted to. I mean in real life/ celebrity crushes/ whatever. For most of my life I was in love with Patrick Swayze because he is this hot tough guy who can dance. I randomly rented Australia the other night and had no idea what it was about. The movie was really really good.. It was a bit long, but not too long.

I totally want a little Australian aboriginal boy now... Seriously though, Hugh Jackman in this movie!!!!!!!!! I don't think I've ever seen someone so sexy. He is so rugged and manly. Wow. I didn't know he had it in him. He definitely made me a fan of cowboys and I want to go 'round up some cattle myself now. I can be for the Indians and the Cowboys, right?! Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!


Mr. Jackman:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Good music is key.

It helps me through anything.. :)

(Thanks for the vid, David!)

Monday, March 16, 2009


Why don't we do/ show stuff like this in the states?!?!?!?!

I'm in love with this.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Leave of Absence

Crap! I just wrote out an entire explanation, and somehow it got deleted. "And that's the way the cookie crumbles..."

I'm not going to rewrite it. I'll be back soon though! :)

Remember at least one act of random kindness daily, eh?!


p.s. Feel free to listen to miss Janet on the right. I added that just for you.. I'm sure so many of you are as big of fan of her's as I am. ;) Did you know on her last tour she ended up canceling it halfway through because no one was showing up for her shows?! awww.. I still love you, J! I would totally go up on stage and do every dance move to "If" with you too.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This totally made my night.

I was catching up with a friend tonight... I love being inspired and more importantly, inspiring others... This was just too sweet, I had to share:

me: eventually, i want my own practice
baahzing: or can you do museum stuff
me: i want to intern in hospitals with sick people
baahzing: oh nice
me: but like, ultimately, i want my own creative expressive art practice
where i can convince all people they are artists, and to do what makes them happy, whatever strange thing that may be
it'll be a lot like teaching, but i'll have more freedom
i won't have strict codes to follow like teachers do in school
i'll be like an art/life therapist
who is really spiritual
if that makes sense
baahzing: no i understand....check this out
me: and i'll get to play with people all day
baahzing: "you know, my whole theory on life for myself is that i really want to connect with people in ways that they didn't know were possible. i recognize a lot of beauty that i don't know if all people see" - michelle waterfield
that is one of my favorite things anyone has ever said.
me: haha!!!!!!!!!
i said that?!
baahzing: absolutely it is right under a duchamp quote on some page of quotes i had a long time ago
me: no way!
baahzing: a little weird but ahhh
i mean the fact i have that
not that you said it
i hope you get in too
me: wait a minute, did i reallly say that quote?
baahzing: yes
me: haha
i mean it
baahzing: i should have dated it
me: i mean it's totally what i think, i just talk so much, i forget what i say?
baahzing: i hope so it made my quote page
me: haaaaaaaa
baahzing: ha
me: that's so cooooool!
i got a warm sensation in my stomach just then
baahzing: i think everyone else on the page is dead

Thanks, Keenan! :)

Not only that, but on Friday night I was out celebrating my friend's bday. I ran into some old friends I hadn't seen in a while. One in particular seems to be drunk every single time we run into each other and he always tells me how we need to hang out. Truthfully, I'd totally hang out with him if it didn't seem creepy. Whenever I see him he follows me around the whole night and will hug me with a slipping hand. NOT COOL! So, um, but yea. He kept telling me he was bummed that I deleted my Myspace account because that was where he went for inspiration. Hearing stuff like that makes me so happy and of course, I'm way shocked. I put a lot of emotion into most things that I do, so much, I don't even realize how meaningful it is to other people. ha, crazy huh?! I've had a few people now tell me how disappointed they are that I got rid of my Myspace. That doesn't mean I'm going to make another one. :) It just means I have to hurry up and get some of these internal projects done... My website being one, and if you thought my Myspace was sweet, wait till I'm finished with this jam.

It really does make me happy to know that I can positively contribute. :)


So I hate posting posts like the previous one I posted. It's driving me crazy and I really want to erase it. I guess because I don't like being sad?

I think because I want to erase it so bad I should leave it up. I tell myself all of the time, "Michelle, it's okay to be sad from time to time. That's life, it happens." I need to accept that I can't be happy ALL of the time.

My other feelings are that I'm going to cause someone else to be sad by looking at that, and I really hope I didn't do that. It is a bad situation... that's that. No pity or anything please, I share my experiences in hopes to help you learn also.

I truly feel like that's why we are all here in this world, to learn from others.

Yep. That's my story.

I'm sick as crap, time to sterilize my room. :)

Maybe I'll put Almost Famous on, one of the best and inspiring scripts ever!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sad tonight....


I smelled the alcohol...