Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dreaming 03-19-07...

Here is my newest addition (click photo for larger size):
dreaming 03-19-07

This photo is a representation of a dream I had on 03-19-07. In my dream, it was as if I was looking down on myself watching another me lift from my body. I drifted several inches up from my body and I just floated there; unable to move, and tingling all over. The floating me looked down to see my body still peacefully sleeping. My first thought was fear because I wasn't sure what was happening but my body soon gave into the pleasurable tingling sensation. I remember specifically thinking in my dream, "wow this is what it feels like to have an out-of-body experience."

The first time I awoke from my dream, my body was paralyzed. I opened my eyes but I couldn't move. My body was still experiencing the tingling sensation all over. The only other time I felt that was when this lady at a nail salon waxed my eyebrows and I think she was trying to do voo-doo on me... but that's another story. ;) I eventually just closed my eyes to give into the pleasure again. The next time I was awakened with a phone call that my extremely spiritual grandmother (whom I was very close with) had passed away. I'm certain that that was her way of letting me know.

I did another self-portrait on the anniversary of her death this year, "03-19-09". I will post it soon! I'm entering the two photos together as a series in an Art show through Symphonic (http://www.symphonicforthecity.com/app/w_page.php?id=1&type=section). hmm, what else???

Oh there are a lot of mundane things that remind me of my grandmother that I thoroughly enjoy: handwashing dishes (even though there is a dishwasher), picking 4-leaf clovers (though she was the best at finding them and she always kept them in her bible), eating pringles, eating peanut butter out of the jar with a knife, dancing every move to Dirty Dancing (she allowed me to watch that every single day in Kindergarten), spinning 'round and 'round in a skirt. I also had terribly painful growing pains in my legs when I was growing up. I really felt like I could feel my bones stretching, just being pulled apart (my dad had the same thing when he was young). I guess that's why me legs take up 3/4 of my body? My grandmother would stroke my legs for me. I would lay on my back on the floor, prop my legs up on her lap while she was sitting in a chair and she would take her long nails and just stroke my legs. It was the most soothing feeling ever. Wow, I haven't thought about that in a long time!

Anyway, she was the best! That's why I made these photos! I hope you've had someone special like that in your life... :) There is nothing better than beauty in mundane activities.


p.s. I made the floating version of me by putting a chair on the top of my bed, editing the chair out in photoshop, my self-timer on my camera, and lots of running back and forth. It was fun! :)

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