Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mark Velasquez's work...

There is a link to his blog to the left, which will redirect you to his other sites also:

I absolutely love his work. He does a lot of sensual feminine shots.. By sensual I mean nude and he has a sensual, genuine way with words in expressing the model to his audience. He's one of those artists that I can't not look at his work even if I wanted to. Each story is so intriguing. He is a captivating writer. Whether his encounters are brief with these women or not I'm not always sure, but he does a great job illustrating that he "gets" it. I find that rare to come across in men. That's not to put men down, it is just that some are more perceptive than others. I know I know, the same can be said about women too.

You truly have a gift Mark! I hope to work with you one of these days! :)

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