Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Great excerpt shared with me by a good friend:

If it wasn't the reason kaleidoscopes were invented, it was certainly the reason funhouse mirrors were. Prisms, too, if you hold one to your eye and see how they change the view. Atypical, yes, atypical. It's the way an image can surprise. It's the way a thought can change. Atypical, it's the foundation of humor. And the architecture of a smile, question mark and exclamation point. Atypical has a mission- to change the world. Look at what it's done for ice cream. First there was vanilla. Then there was chocolate. Then the vanilla and chocolate swirl. Atypical. Clouds were the original high priests of the atypical. Most people think snowflakes are the ultimate atypical but they're insecure about their differences. An army of ants marching against the picnic of the predictable. A collage of syntax rebelling in the middle of a grammar textbook. Atypical has an aroma all it's own. Typical stinks, but of what? Atypical is a jazz bass player in a club on a side street. It's almost midnight. The moon is howling in the window. Atypical is water that walks upstream, if it wants, won't let gravity bully it. Atypical is you. Oops, we're being presumptuous, but if you've tagged along with atypical this far it's at least something you want to be. So where do you start. You can't enroll in the University of the Atypical. It's something you have to live. Atypical is a learn-as-you-go education. Step one. Break old habits. Make new ones. Then break them, too. Can you dance? When a dance is successful it's a delicate balance of the typical and atypical. When music moves you it's atypical pushing the predictable to the side of the road, page, brain, room, river or mountain. That's where the typical belongs on the side, out of the way, creativity is calling. Don't bother answering the phone or door, you answer creativity with your heart. Your make a promise, an atypical promise. Start looking for the atypical right now. Tattoo your imagination with it. You'll sleep better.

I'm not really sure where it came from because my friend wasn't either but I love it.


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